Recommended for A RELAXING DAY TRIP
This route is a chance to admire scenery without bumping along wadi tracks or scaling mountains. It takes you through the winding roads of Jabal Fayfa via historical landmarks and stunning views. This area is well populated and heavily cultivated; terraced farms stripe the hills and settlements - both old and new, are spread throughout the lush mountain slopes.
The road through the mountain is well constructed and there are plenty of places to pull over and admire views or hike to ruins. There are also multiple options off the main route to explore, including a road to Wadi Altararah. The end of the route leads to the beautiful town of Ad Dair.
This mountain is littered with ruins; its temperate climate making it an ideal place for settlers. In various states of disrepair, most of the ruins can be found in elevated positions on the side of the mountain being slowly reclaimed by trees and shrubs.
Before political governance was asserted, society in Saudi Arabia was tribal. These tribes were groups, composed chiefly of families or clans that shared ancestry or language. The tribes usually had a recognised leader and for centuries preserved order and resolved conflict within their own groups. Today, despite national governance, tribal identity is still a huge part of Saudi culture, celebrated in local dress, culture and customs.
Whilst terraced farms are common in this area, nowhere showcases them better than Jabal Fayfa. Referred to by locals as ‘The Hanging Gardens of Saudi Arabia’, these terraces were built over centuries to make the most of the cooler temperatures, high rainfall and fertile soil. For today’s farmers, infrastructure including paved roads and electricity, makes the job of farming here a lot easier. Their predecessors used ropeways (like the mechanism found on Route 15) to transport goods through the valleys. Although no longer in use, the ropes can still be seen crisscrossing the mountainside.
The mountains of Fayfa climb to 1,770m above sea level, earning them the nickname 'The Neighbours of the Moon'. As you head up the mountain, you often drive through clouds until you reach the clearer skies at the summit. Although this can affect visibility, it can also feel like you are driving through a town that’s floating in the sky.