Recommended for A TRIP OUT OF THE HEAT
Due to it being close to 2,500m above sea level, the valleys and plains in this area are remarkably green. The vegetation has crept into the ruins of old villages dotted along the route, making them great places to explore. The views are incredible, none more so than a dip in the mountain that allows you to stand and admire the views across two valleys simultaneously.
There is a lot to experience on this route – from the tranquil dam at the start, to challenging off-road tracks perfect for some rock-crawling. An excellent route for a peaceful night under the stars, you can pitch your tent in the orchard-like area that can be found just off the track that leads to the Maysan town viewpoint.
Most of this route is an easy drive, following paved road that takes you along the mountainside. You can also take on a hiking trail that leads to the valley floor.
Towards the end of the route, a series of unusual hills made up of large boulders interspersed with shrubbery mark the entrance to you final destination, a large plateau with remarkable views of the valley below.
The ruins of this historical village sit amongst a modern settlement. Showing signs of preservation, steps have been built to make the area more accessible to tourists and can be found next to the mosque.
Some of the structures that are starting to crumble reveal traditional building methods, such as the binding together of sticks with mud. The best-preserved structure is the fort tower, with its carefully constructed drystone walling having stood the test of time.
A dip in one of the mountains affords an unusual view across two valleys on this route. This brief window between two vistas is a unique sight worth pulling over and admiring.
In 1976, only 400,000 acres of land in the Kingdom was under cultivation. Today this figure is in the millions. The key to this change is water. With an average of just 212mm of rainfall per year, dams have been constructed in the area to hold onto this precious resource. Taif is also home to the world’s longest desalinated water pipeline, pumping water to reservoirs to support the region’s agriculture.
This manmade structure was built to harness the water flow off the mountains. The lake extends under the road and is home to fish, frogs and wading birds. The shrubbery that surrounds it is a great place to rest and enjoy a picnic.
A scenic drive above Maysan, this route follows a combination of paved road and rocky tracks that explore multiple heritage sites.
1 To begin the route, turn right off Highway 205.
2 Continue along the paved track that winds through the mountain.
3 Follow the off-road track to your right for a panoramic view of Maysan. Return the way you came and continue along the route.
4 Continue along the route that skirts the valley until you arrive at a dead end that provides excellent views across the valley below.